User Interchangeable Probes
Microscopy Field of View | Probe Dimension
In addition to simply extending the application range, the interchangeable system saves time and money:
A) where probes need to be sequestered in i.e. High Potency Reactors, you can leave the probe but take the rest of the system, pair it with a different probe, and utilize it elsewhere.
B) where probes need to be serviced, a replacement or loaner can be supplied quickly and shipping is greatly facilitated.
C) Loaner Probes of different sizes and/or Field of View/Resolutions can be rented for use in infrequently addressed application space where a purchase is not yet justified.
The Blaze Lab Series & Plant Series probes are not swappable between series types. Lab tools are made to be light and easy to swap frequently. The Plant tools are made to be more robust, have additional cooling and waterproofing, and are built for less frequent probe swaps.
From a Microscopy Field of View/resolution perspective, any probe type we make on the lab side we can deliver on the Plant side.

The conduit disconnects at the enclosure for Plant systems. The enclosure can then be used with a different probe & conduit.
NOTE: The probe that is no longer connected to an enclosure but still in a reactor must be considered for temp, pressure, & material compatibility for anything running in that reactor.
Interchangeable probe system for:
Different size probes
Different microscopy resolution
Easy use of permanently installed probes in multiple locations
This capability, much like switching microscope objectives, allows a single BlazePAT system to appropriately address a wider range of application at a greatly reduced cost over purchasing a second system.