14-Bit HDR In-Process Microscopy (Dark Field)
High contrast | High resolution | High dynamic range | High Dispersed Phase Concentration
Blaze high contrast, high resolution, & high dynamic range in-process microscopy enables a next generation understanding of single & multiple dispersed phase particle systems at the highest dispersed phase concentration, smallest particle sizes, and widest range of particle composition types.
For Microscopy, Blaze has a significantly superior combination of critical design features. These include optical resolution, pixel resolution, image uniformity and, most importantly, dynamic range combined with a unique optical design (see Patents page for more information). This allows for high solids/small size microscopy and derived statistics that exhibit an order of magnitude better linearity over solids loading (solids concentration) changes and/or changes in particle size and/or shape.
What has Blaze done to achieve its enabling capability?
Blaze resolution is not impacted by changes in particle velocity. What changes particle velocity? Changes in continuous phase viscosity, dispersed phase solids concentration, particle size, shape and distribution, and of course, mixing speed or flow rate.
Blaze limits the depth of field substantially improving its ability to image linearity over changing dispersed phase concentration and/or particle size changes. Both dispersed phase concentration and particle size changes impact depth of field. By limiting this depth of field, the microscopy 'sample' volume (i.e. image depth) is kept more consistent over process changes, substantially improving microscopy as well as measurement linearity and precision. This feature, in addition to others, enables Microscopy at significantly higher dispersed phase concentrations and/or smaller sizes while retaining the ability to see and measure change with sensitivity.
Note: Blaze still provides substantially higher detection and sensitivity to change at ultra low dispersed phase concentration due to its image rate and processing speed.
Blaze detects dark grays that other tools see as black, and light grays that other tools see as white. This extended range of 'shades of gray' enables earlier detection, greater operational range from low to high dispersed phase concentration, better edge detection for visual microscopy as well CLD (1d) and 2d image processing which all lead to greater precision across a wide range of changing process conditions.
In addition to optical resolution, it is also critical to have pixel resolution. We measure this in pixels per micron. Depending on the model, Blaze pixel sizes range from 133nm to 500nm with our best pixel per micron of 7.78pixels/um combined with our Meso best in class optical resolution. For Micro applications, comparative tools, Blaze has an order of magnitude smaller (higher resolution) detection required for both measurement accuracy and precision. The BlazeMicro has 2.15pixels/micron and <1um optical resolution. Where other CLD tools 'guesstimate' <10um, Blaze truly measures down to 1.5um. Note the BlazeMeso measures CLD down to 400nm and, depending on optical properties, can detect the existence of particles substantially smaller than 400nm. See Blaze Tool Detection Ranges above.
Every day more Pharmaceutical Companies, Chemical Companies, CRO's and CDMO's turn to BlazePAT for deeper process understanding and development speed. See our current collaborations here.

Note on Resolution Target Comparisons: It is typical for the microscope industry to utilize reference targets such as the 1951 AF Standard Target above to compare 2d resolution. For more information, please contact Blaze and/or visit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1951_USAF_resolution_test_chart

1) All BlazePAT systems are acquiring data at 14-bit (16,384 steps of gray from black to white). Most Monitors (desktop or laptop) or Projectors limit the Black and White images displayed to 8-bit (256 steps of gray), which in turn limits image acuity (feature resolution, i.e. secondary nucleation forming on a larger crystal or cell growth on an adherent substrate).
2) Blaze Microscopy is acquiring raw images in UHD. Pixel resolution (pixel per micron) is key both on the sensor as well as the monitor where the images are displayed. The image pixel count per micron shown on a UHD display is 4 times higher than the count on a Full HD. This can substantially improve the visualization of small features, particularly when zooming in. Note this improved sensor resolution also significantly improves the signal to noise of the information used to derive both HDR CLD based Particle Size/Count and HDR Turbidity.
Blaze Resolution in 2D Space
Milli | 5.2mm dia. FoV
Micro | 900µm dia. FoV
Available in 2026

Image Courtesy
of J-Star Research
Meso+ | 400µm dia. FoV
Meso | 230µm dia. FoV