BlazePlant Platform
Milli | 5.2mm dia. FoV
Micro | 900µm dia. FoV
Available in 2026

Image Courtesy
of J-Star Research
Meso+ | 400µm dia. FoV
Meso | 230µm dia. FoV
Microscopy Field of View (FoV) Options
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If you do not know which configuration is best for you, inquire below and we will reach out for further discussion!
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For further details please fill out our contact form or email us at Info@BlazeMetrics.com
NOTE: Due to Raman inclusion, Blaze Platforms are typically rated 3B. In some cases, 532nm excited Raman is sufficient for an application, and a Blaze 1M for both Microscopy and 532nm excited Raman can be provided.
1M Microscopy
1M Laser Classification: Considered non-hazardous. First generation Blaze Microscopy tools are rated 1M. Hazard increases if viewed with optical aids, including magnifiers, binoculars, or telescopes.
3B Microscopy
3B laser classification: Typical Raman systems are rated Class 3B. 3B indicates immediate skin hazard from direct beam and immediate eye hazard when viewed directly. The advantage of High Power 3B Illumination for Microscopy is the ability to see fainter particles.
Simultaneous 532 & 785 nm Excited Raman or Manual Swap (532 OR 785 nm) Raman*
*Spectrometers are required. They may be supplied via Blaze, directly from the spectrometer manufacture, or a pre-existing system at the user site. Spectroscopy systems are not created equal, please contact Blaze for optical match (Blaze-Spectrometer compatibility) and both hardware and software connectivity information for your spectrometer choice.

The Blaze Splitter Option is a hardware component that allows simultaneous or alternating acquisition of both 785nm & 532nm Raman. Note both spectrometers have to be attached at the same time. A system that does not have a Splitter, a manual swap between fibers to the 785nm Spectrometer OR a 532nm Spectrometer can be used where only one excitation wavelength is in use at a time. Note: The Splitter does reduce signal throughput by 10 to 20%.

Note on Resolution Target Comparisons: It is typical for the microscope industry to utilize reference targets such as the 1951 AF Standard Target above to compare 2d resolution. For more information, please contact Blaze and/or visit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1951_USAF_resolution_test_chart

1) All BlazePAT systems are acquiring data at 14-bit (16,384 steps of gray from black to white). Most Monitors (desktop or laptop) or Projectors limit the Black and White images displayed to 8-bit (256 steps of gray), which in turn limits image acuity (feature resolution, i.e. secondary nucleation forming on a larger crystal or cell growth on an adherent substrate).
2) Blaze Microscopy is acquiring raw images in UHD. Pixel resolution (pixel per micron) is key both on the sensor as well as the monitor where the images are displayed. The image pixel count per micron shown on a UHD display is 4 times higher than the count on a Full HD. This can substantially improve the visualization of small features, particularly when zooming in. Note this improved sensor resolution also significantly improves the signal to noise of the information used to derive both HDR CLD based Particle Size/Count and HDR Turbidity.
Blaze Resolution in 2D Space
The conduit disconnects at the enclosure for BlazePlant systems. The enclosure can then be used with a different probe & conduit.
Please note that the probe that is no longer connected to an enclosure but still in a reactor must be considered for temp, pressure, & material compatibility for anything running in that reactor.
This capability allows for:
Different size probes
Different microscopy resolution
Easy use of permanently installed probes in multiple locations
This capability, much like switching microscope objectives, allows a single BlazePAT system to appropriately address a wider range of application at a greatly reduced cost over purchasing a second system.
Probe Length Options
Note: only one probe dimension can be selected at a time
630 mm Immersible

820 mm Immersible

820 mm Immersible

765 mm Immersible (Milli Only)

400 mm Immersible


Second Interchangeable Probe Addition
Select a FoV, Polarization option (if available with FoV), & Probe Dimension for a second interchangeable probe
630 mm Immersible

820 mm Immersible

765 mm Immersible (Milli Only)

820 mm Immersible

400 mm Immersible
